קדיש Kaddish

/ יִתְגַּדַּל Yit'gadal Let it be made high /
/ וְיִתְקַדַּשׁ v'yit'kadash and let it be made holy /
/ שְׁמֵהּ רַבָּא sh'mey raba God’s name /
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/ בְּעָלְמָא b'al'ma in the world that is /
/ דִּי בְרָא כִרְעוּתֵהּ di v'ra chir'utey from the creation that was /
/ וְיַמְלִיךְ מַלְכוּתֵהּ v'yam'lich mal'chutey to the kingdom that will be /
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/ בְּחַיֵּיכוֹן b'chayeichon in your life /
/ וּבְיוֹמֵיכוֹן uv'yomeichon and in your days /
/ וּבְחַיֵּי דְכׇל בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל uv'chayey d'chol beit Yisrael and in the life of the whole house of Yisrael /
/ בַּעֲגָלָא וּבִזְמַן קָרִיב ba'agala uviz'man kariv soon, and in short time. /
/ וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן V'im'ru: Amen And let us say: Amen. /
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/ יְהֵא שְׁמֵהּ רַבָּא מְבָרַךְ Y'hey sh'mey raba m'varach Let God’s name be blessed /
/ לְעָלַם וּלְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַיָּא l'alam ul'al'mey al'maya forever and ever, always. /
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/ יִתְבָּרַךְ Yit'barach Let it be blessed /
/ וְיִשְׁתַּבַּח v'yish'tabach and let it be praised /
/ וְיִתְפָּאַר v'yit'pa'ar and let it be worshipped /
/ וְיִתְרוֹמַם v'yit'romam and let it be honored /
/ וְיִתְנַשֵּׂא v'yit'nasey and let it be heightened /
/ /
/ וְיִתְהַדָּר v'yit'hadar and let it be celebrated /
/ וְיִתְעַלֶּה v'yit'aleh and let it be sung /
/ וְיִתְהַלָּל v'yit'halal and let it be shouted /
/ שְׁמֵהּ דְקֻדְשָׁא sh'mey d'kud'sha the name of the holy one /
/ בְּרִיךְ הוּא b'rich hu blessed be /
/ /
/ לְעֵלָּא מִן כׇּל l'eyla min kol beyond all /
/ לְעֵלָּא לְעֵלָּא מִכׇּל l'eyla l'eyla mikol beyond, beyond all /
/ בִּרְכָתָא וְשִׁירָתָא bir'chata v'shirata blessings and songs /
/ תֻּשְׁבְּחָתָא וְנֶחֱמָתָא tush'b'chata v'nechemata praises and comforts /
/ דַּאֲמִירָן בְּעָלְמָא da'amiran b'al'ma that are said in the world. /
/ וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן V'im'ru: Amen And let us say: Amen. /
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/ תִּתְקַבַּל צְלוֹתְהוֹן וּבָעוּתְהוֹן Tit'kabal tz'lot'hon uva'ut'hon Let their prayers and their petitions be heard /
/ דְכׇל בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל d'chol beit Yisrael those from the whole house of Yisrael /
/ קֳדָם אֲבוּהוֹן דִּי בִשְׁמַיָּא kodam avuhon di vish'maya before their Father in heaven. /
/ וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן V'im'ru: Amen And let us say: Amen. /
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/ עַל יִשְׂרָאֵל Al Yisrael To Yisrael /
/ וְעַל רַבָּנָן v'al rabanan and to rabbis /
/ וְעַל תַּלְמִידֵיהוֹן v'al tal'mideihon and to their students /
/ וְעַל כׇּל תַּלְמִידֵי תַלְמִידֵיהוֹן v'al kol tal'midey tal'mideihon and to all students of their students /
/ וְעַל כׇּל מָאן דְּעָסְקִין בְּאוֹרַיְתָא v'al kol man d'as'kin b'oray'ta and to all those who study torah /
/ /
/ דִּי בְאַתְרָא הָדֵין di v'at'ra hadein who are in this place /
/ וְדִי בְּכׇל אֲתַר וַאֲתַר v'di b'chol atar va'atar and who are in every other place /
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/ יְהֵא לְהוֹן וּלְכוֹן y'hey l'hon ul'chon let there beto them and to you /
/ שְׁלָמָא רַבָּא sh'lama raba peace in plenty /
/ /
/ חִנָּא china grace /
/ וְחִסְדָּא v'chis'da and kindness /
/ וְרַחֲמִין v'rachamin and love /
/ וְחַיִּין אֲרִיכִין v'chayin arichin and long life /
/ וּמְזוֹנָא רְוִיחָא um'zona r'vicha and plenty of food /
/ וּפוְּרְקָנָא ufur'kana and salvation /
/ מִן קֳדָם אֲבוּהוֹן דְבִשְׁמַיָּא min kodam avuhon d'vish'maya from their Father in heaven. /
/ וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן V'im'ru: Amen And let us say: Amen. /
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/ יְהֵא שְׁלָמָה רַבָּא Y'hey sh'lama raba Let there be peace in plenty /
/ מִן שְׁמַיָּא min sh'maya from heaven /
/ וְחַיִּים v'chayim and life /
/ עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כׇּל יִשְׂרָאֵל aleinu v'al kol Yisrael for us and for all Yisrael. /
/ וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן V'im'ru: Amen And let us say: Amen. /
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/ עוֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו Oseh shalom bim'romav The one who makes peace in heaven /
/ הוּא יַעֲשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם hu ya'aseh shalom let Him make peace /
/ עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כׇּל יִשְׂרָאֵל aleinu v'al kol Yisrael for us and for all Yisrael. /
/ וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן V'im'ru: Amen And let us say: Amen. /

Translation Notes

Translation by Matthew Yacavone and Hannah Chinn