
Interval results

Size in cents:109.090909c
Prime factorization:21/112^(1/11)
Fractional monzo:|1/11⟩
EDO steps:1\11
Ups-and-downs notation:M2\11 (major 2nd \ 11)M2\11 (major 2nd \ 11)
(Possible) English name?:11-EDO major second
xen-calc page for EDO:11-EDO

Interval audio

open in Scale Workshop

Best rational approximations

-odd-limit, sorted by
?, cutoff at ±54.5c

Best EDO approximations

-EDO to
-EDO, sorted by
, cutoff at ±50c
1\11, 2\22, 3\33, 4\44, 5\55exact
no more results

xen-calc is a multi-purpose calculator/converter for microtonal (AKA: xenharmonic) music theory. It supports conversion between cents, just ratios, and EDO, FJS, and color notations. It can also calculate interval multiplication/addition, best rational and EDO approximations, and much more. Check out the about page for a full list of features.

Don't know where to start? The about page has tons of click-able examples (like this: 11/9) as well as some written-out examples of using this tool.

About xen-calc · My website